radical circle câu
Going around the Security Council is a radical move.Qua mặt Hội đồng Bảo an là một hành động cực đoan. Too many free radicals, that's y...

I like to think of it as a little circle of trust.Anh thích nghĩ về nó như một vòng tròn lòng tin nho nhỏ. Come to Terry's Country Bak...

alkyl radical
The first reaction with many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is the removal of a hydrogen atom forming water and an alkyl radical (R·...

free radical
Too many free radicals, that's your problem.Có quá nhiều chất free radicals. Đó là vấn đề của anh Excessive free radical production lea...

methyl radical
The methyl radical has the formula CH3.Các gốc methyl có công thức CH3. The resulting methyl radical, CH3•, can combine with another c...

Let us insist on using methods that are peaceful, non-radical, non-violent and full of charity to fight for social justice," he said.Ch...

radical 15
So why should we worry about the radical 15 to 25%?Tại sao chúng ta phải lo lắng về sự cực đoan của 15-25%này? So, why should we worry...

radical 16
Old 60's Radical 16 oz Travel Mug16 oz Du Lịch Mug

radical 4
In this catalytic cycle the reaction is initiated by air oxidation of the trialkylborane 3 by air to the methyl radical 4.Trong vòng xú...

radical 95
Luther wrote his radical 95 Theses to express his growing concern with the corruption within the Church, fully realizing that he faced ...

radical center
The Radical Center We Don't Needđời xanh chúng ta không cần Art should deny the simplifications of the political left and right, and s...

radical change
Radical change usually happens from the outside.Tuy vậy thay đổi thường bắt nguồn từ phía bên ngoài. Perhaps a more radical change is ...

radical displacement
It was, all of a sudden, not just a radical displacement but also an extraordinary concentration of power.Đó là, tất cả đều bất ngờ, kh...

radical elimination
Then suddenly, bright and clear, there awoke in the heads of millions the conviction that only the most radical elimination of the en- ...

radical group
Members of the far-right radical group Right Sector.Các thành viên của nhóm dân tộc cực đoan Right Sector. Members of the far-right ra...

radical politics
why we need a new kind of radical politicsTại sao chúng ta cần một loại chính trị phổ biến mới Please see collections related to radic...

radical polymerization
can be obtained using radical polymerization.thể thực hiện bằng cách sử dụng Polymerization All commercial methods of production of PA...

radical principle
Fuentes transforms Broch's principle, Esch is like Luther, into a still more radical principle: Esch is Luther.Nguyên lý của Broch, Esc...

radical reaction
However, some ROS are produced in the free radical reaction process and do not strictly belong to free radicals, though they can direct...

radical reduction
HSBC also announced it would replace its existing chief operating officer with John Hinshaw, formerly executive vice president of Hewle...

radical sign
Radical sign, okay?cách mạng tư sản, được chưa?

radical strain
Ridiculing Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as an “underwear merchant,” he warned that his fighters, who follow a radical strain o...

radical stress
If you happen to be taking chemotherapy, lipoic acid protects against many of the side effects by protecting normal cells from the free...

radical treatment
Several psychiatrists find interest in his case, and decide to utilize radical treatment methods in order to cure the child.Một số bác ...

the radical party
The Radical Party of the Left is a social-liberal political party in France.Đảng cấp tiến của cánh tả là một đảng chính trị tự do xã hộ...